Retrieving In-App Wallet User Details on the Server

Using the thirdweb TypeScript SDK

You can query user details through the thirdweb SDK using a wallet address, email, phone number, or user ID. This function requires a secret key to be present on the thirdweb client and should only be used on the server.

import { getUser } from "thirdweb";
const user = await getUser({
walletAddress: "0x123...",

Fetching User Details via API

To get the user details, you can make a GET request to the following endpoint:

Query Parameters

You can query user details using one of the following parameters:

  • walletAddress: The user's wallet address
  • email: The user's email address
  • phone: The user's phone number
  • id: The user's ID


You need to include your ThirdWeb Client Secret in the Authorization header.

Example curl Command

Here's an example curl command to fetch user details:

curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_THIRD_WEB_CLIENT_SECRET'

Replace YOUR_THIRD_WEB_CLIENT_SECRET with your actual ThirdWeb Client Secret.

Response Format

The API returns a JSON array with the following structure for each user:

"userId": "string",
"walletAddress": "string",
"email": "string (optional)",
"phone": "string (optional)",
"createdAt": "string",
"linkedAccounts": [
"type": "string",
"details": {
"phone": "string",
// or
"email": "string",
// or
"address": "string",
// or
"id": "string",
// Additional key-value pairs may be present

Note: The details object in linkedAccounts will contain different fields based on the account type.

Remember to handle the response appropriately in your chosen programming language, including error cases and parsing the JSON response.